Thursday, December 13, 2007

Memphis Kendo/Iaido Club Christmas Get-Together

The Club's Christmas get-together is scheduled for Sunday, December 16th.

8095 Macon Road
Cordova, TN 38018

Start - 6pm
End - ? maybe 8pm

This is a very informal get-together. More than anything, it's just an opportunity for the club to get together socially and have something to eat. Folks can stay as long as they like, but in the past, they typically leave shortly after the dinner is over.
I'm guessing that if we have a good size group, it will take at least 2 hours to get through dinner ----- everyone knows how long it takes to get a sushi order filled.

PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that I can get a head count and call the restaurant in advance.

cell: 901-378-2093

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